Tuesday, October 4, 2011

It's October Already!

The weather in San Francisco is finally starting to get yucky - it rained yesterday and it was awesome. I worked at the store and spent the day being complained at by customers saying, 'Ugh I can't believe this weather! It's so awful and wet!' and I would smile and say, 'I KNOW I LOVE IT.' The beauty of being from Seattle.

Been taking photos like crazy for my pal Kelsey, who has been cooking up a storm. Not only has she made Bailey's Irish Cream Scones but also Pulled Pork Sliders (I die for these every time she makes them.) Right now I am taking a break while her latest venture cooks up in the oven!

The nautical party we had was a success, unfortunately I forgot to take any photos. Whoops! Too busy putting decorations up and then dancing the night away. That's usually how our parties go.

Needless to say, I've been a bit too busy for art lately. Boo! I've got plans, though, and soon I hope to have a bunch of work started, if not finished. In the meantime, enjoy our latest video, that I am actually in (yikes):

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