Sunday, April 10, 2011

Life, the Universe, and Everything

Well, I bought new watercolors since I lost them a while ago. I still have no idea where they are. A tragedy! Good thing I work at an art store and get a discount now. They're just cheapy Van Gogh brand (dang they are hella cheap on the website!) but I like them a lot. I also don't have the money for some Old Hollands up in here.

So yeah, in between working shifts at the store I've been slowly working on some old paintings as well as knitting my scarf, which is getting really long, and I'm on my second skein of yarn already! I can't wait to be done with it - I really don't have the patience for long projects like this!

Someday soon I'm going to set my easel back up and do some really intense acrylic paintings. I've got the itch. Unfortunately, I still don't have much in the way of inspiration. Maybe this weekend I can hole myself up in my room and just draw and art.

The kids and I have been working on our filming - we're currently still making shorts, and we're right now working on a longer short film that is a bit of a secret but involved us going to the park this weekend and running around like weirdos. We have fun.

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